🎉🌍 Welcome Day 2024 at the University of Pannonia! 🌍🎉

On September 5th, our Veszprém campus hosted a successful Welcome Day, bringing together over 40 new international students from 20 countries to celebrate the start of the semester. The event was filled with engaging activities, cultural exchanges, and special gifts to mark our 75th anniversary, creating a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere for all.

🎉🌍 Welcome Day 2024 at the University of Pannonia! 🌍🎉

What a fantastic afternoon we had on September 5th at our VeszprĂ©m campus! The air was electric with excitement as we kicked off this year’s Welcome Day, our international orientation event celebrating the start of the semester.

This year’s event was a remarkable success, bringing together over 40 new international students from 20 different countries, including Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Ghana, Chile, and many more. It was incredible to see so many diverse backgrounds coming together to build connections and celebrate our vibrant community.

From engaging activities that highlighted our university’s welcoming spirit to the delightful tasting of traditional Hungarian pastries, the day was filled with moments of joy and cultural exchange. Students also had the opportunity to meet their mentors and faculty members, forging relationships that will support them throughout their academic journey.

A special highlight was the distribution of gift vouchers to mark our 75th anniversary, which can be redeemed for exclusive Pannon University merchandise. 🎁✹ 

Vivien SzekĂ©r, our event organizer,  captured the essence of the day: “It was heartening to see students from such diverse backgrounds sharing their initial impressions and beginning to forge the connections that will accompany them throughout their academic careers.”

As the day wrapped up, the sense of community was palpable. Here’s to a fantastic start to the semester and many more exciting moments ahead! 📚🌟 




🎉🌍 Welcome Day a Pannon Egyetemen! 🌍🎉

Fantasztikus hangulatban telt tegnap az idei Welcome Day, a szemeszterköszöntƑ nemzetközi orientĂĄciĂłs esemĂ©nyĂŒnk a veszprĂ©mi kampuszon.

Az idei rendezvĂ©ny hatalmas Ă©rdeklƑdĂ©st mutatott, több mint 40 Ășj nemzetközi hallgatĂłval, akik 20 kĂŒlönbözƑ orszĂĄgbĂłl Ă©rkeztek, többek között EgyiptombĂłl, AzerbajdzsĂĄnbĂłl, OlaszorszĂĄgbĂłl, GhĂĄnĂĄbĂłl, ChilĂ©bƑl, KĂ­nĂĄbĂłl Ă©s mĂ©g sok mĂĄs helyrƑl. Az esemĂ©ny fĂ©nypontja volt, ahogy a  sokfĂ©le hĂĄttĂ©rbƑl Ă©rkezƑ fiatalok egybƑl közössĂ©get alkotva kapcsolatokat Ă©pĂ­tettek.

A nap sorĂĄn izgalmas programokban vehettek rĂ©szt a hallgatĂłk, amelyek bemutattĂĄk egyetemĂŒnk befogadĂł szellemĂ©t, valamint megkĂłstolhattĂĄk a hagyomĂĄnyos magyar sĂŒtemĂ©nyeket, amelyek bepillantĂĄst nyĂșjtottak MagyarorszĂĄg gazdag gasztronĂłmiai öröksĂ©gĂ©be. Emellett lehetƑsĂ©gĂŒk volt talĂĄlkozni mentoraikkal Ă©s karok dolgozĂłival, akik vĂ©gigkĂ­sĂ©rik Ƒket tanulmĂĄnyaik sorĂĄn.

A nap kĂŒlönlegessĂ©gĂ©t adta tovĂĄbbĂĄ, hogy a rĂ©sztvevƑ hallgatĂłk ajĂĄndĂ©kjegyeket kaptak egyetemĂŒnk 75. Ă©vfordulĂłja alkalmĂĄbĂłl, amelyeket exkluzĂ­v Pannon Egyetem ajĂĄndĂ©ktĂĄrgyakra vĂĄlthatnak be.🎁✹

SzekĂ©r Vivien, a rendezvĂ©ny szervezƑje Ă­gy fogalmazott: „JĂł lĂĄtni, hogy az ilyen vĂĄltozatos hĂĄttĂ©rrel rendelkezƑ hallgatĂłk megosztjĂĄk egymĂĄssal elsƑ benyomĂĄsaikat, Ă©s elkezdik kialakĂ­tani azokat a kötelĂ©keket, amelyek vĂ©gigkĂ­sĂ©rik Ƒket az akadĂ©miai pĂĄlyĂĄjuk sorĂĄn.”  Ahogy a nap vĂ©get Ă©rt, kĂ©zzelfoghatĂł volt a közössĂ©g Ă©rzĂ©se. 📚🌟



TovĂĄbbi tartalmak

Iratkozzon fel hĂ­rlevelĂŒnkre!

Ne maradjon le a Pannon Egyetem tartalmairĂłl! A 75 Ă©ves jubileumi programok mellett sok mĂĄs Ă©rdekessĂ©ggel is igyekszĂŒnk szolgĂĄlni az öregdiĂĄk közössĂ©g Ă©s minden kedves Ă©rdeklƑdƑ szĂĄmĂĄra.Â